General Interview Questions - Evolution

How does evolution occur? Do individual organisms evolve?

What is evidence for evolution?
Consider the following statement. Mutations occur at random, so it is not possible for natural processes to lead to an increase in information. Why is this statement false?
What is meant when we say that two structures are homologous? how does that differ from calling them analogous?
How is natural selection different from sexual selection?
Under some conditions, evolution is driven by random factors, describe how this can occur.
Describe the evolutionary relationship between bacteria, archaea and eukaryotes.
Emphasis in
your teaching
General importance
1. The fossil record provides direct evidence for the evolution of life on earth.
2. Evolution occurs in populations of interbreeding organisms.
3. A molecular analysis of the genomes (genetic material) of organisms provides evidence for the evolutionary relationships between organisms.
4. The establishment of barriers to interbreeding can produce a selective advantage by preserving adaptations.
5. Speciation occurs when members of two populations can no longer interbreed successfully.
6. Evolution is based on genetic variation and superfecundity, which leads to changes in genetic composition over time.
7. WIthout mutations there would be no evolution.
8. Random events, such as genetic drift, founder effects and genetic bottlenecks, can influence evolutionary change.
9. Non-random mating behavior, known as sexual selection, can influence evolutionary change.

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Where do you teach?
I do not teach I teach, but not biology
I am researcher in the private sector
I teach elementary secondary college level biology

I would add the following statement to the list:

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