General Interview Questions - Tissues & Organs

How is an organ different from a tissue?

How are the functions of organs controlled and integrated with one another?
How is the immune system like a single organ?
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General importance
1. An organ is a functional and anatomically distinct component of a multicellular organism.
2. Organs are often integrate into larger systems. For example, the heart is a critical component of the cardiovascular system, while the stomach is part of the gastrointestinal system (alimentary canal).
3. Glands are organs that secrete one or more substance. Endocrine glands secrete directly into the blood stream while exocrine glands secrete onto an epithelium via a duct.
4. Organs are generally composed of one or more cell types or tissues.
5. Organ function is regulated and coordinated directly by neural signals via the autonomous nervous system and by hormones secreted by glands which are themselves often under neural control.
6. Organ function can in turn influence the nervous system.
7. Normally the interactions between organ systems leads to homeostasis that is the body's ongoing adaptation to changes in its internal and external environment.

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Where do you teach?
I do not teach I teach, but not biology
I teach elementary secondary college level biology

I would add the following statement to the list:

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