Klymkowsky Lab On-line Methods
1D Isoelectric focussing

Table of Methods updated 16 June 2002



Pouring IEF gels (old fashion method):

  1. Clean plates with RBS/ethanol and place in standard minigel pourer.
  2. prepare the gel solution
    2 thin gels   2 thick gels
    6.19 g urea (electrophoresis grade   16.48 g urea
    4.5 ml water   12 ml water
    1.5 ml acrylamide (30:0.8)   4ml acrylamide
    300 µL 3-10 ampholines*   800µL 3-10 ampholines*
    300 µL 4.5-6 ampholines*   800µL 4.5-6 ampholines*

    * adjust ratio and range of ampholines for pI of target proteins.
  3. dissolve urea and degas for 2 to 3 minutes.
  4. add 225µL / 600µL NP-40 - pipeting both ampholines and NP40 is easier if you cut off the pipet tip with a pair of scissors.
  5. Filter solution through a syringe (0.22µm) filter.
  6. add 37.5µL / 100 µL10% ammonium persulfate and the 3.75µL / 10µLTEMED. This starts polymerization, so once added you have to keep moving.
  7. Pour gels – and let polymerize for 2 hours
  8. RUN with basic buffer in upper resovior and acidic buffer in lower. (use NaOH and Phosphoric acid buffers - degas NaOH buffer before using)
  9. RUN at 100V for 30 minutes, 200V for 1 hour, 400 V overnight, 600V for 30 min.

Sample preparation:

IEF samples are dissolved in urea/NP40 or urea/CHAPS buffer. This buffer is made up and stored at -20°C as a common stock. Take an aliquot and use it, discard what you do not use. DO NOT REFREEZE.

  IEF sample buffer:
8M Urea or
6M Urea + 2M ThioUrea
make 1% in 9-11 ampholine
make 0.5% in ß-mercaptoethanol

Solubilize an IP in 25-50 µL IEF sample buffer. Incubate samples at 60ºC for 5 min. and then microfuged for 5 min at room temperature prior to loading.

Upper buffer (basic) lysine/arginine buffer
Lower buffer (acidic) phosphoric acid buffer

load samples (and standards). Run following biorad recommendations
1 hour at 100 V
1 hour at 250 V
1 hour at 500 V

Blot gel onto nitrocellulose with 0.1% SDS in buffer

Table of Methods  
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