We use Wizard
minipreps ONLY when we are planning to make
RNA from a plasmid or
you are doing particularly tricky subcloning, but
not for standard plasmid characterization!
Grow up overnight culture
of bacteria in LB +
ampicillin (50-100 µL from
100mg/ml stock at 37°C.
- Spin down 1.5 mL cells
in microfuge tube, setting 5 on small microfuges (all steps at
room temperature).
- Discard supernatant (if
the culture is sparse, you can add another 1.5 ml and centrifuge
again -- but remember to keep ~1ml of the culture in case you want
to make a DMSO stock.
- Resuspend cells in 200 µL
resuspension buffer (by running tube along a tube rack).
- Add 200 µL lysis
buffer, invert to mix add 10µL of the alkaline protease.
Let sit 10 minutes. mix
only by inversion -- otherwise you will shear the chromosomal DNA
- Add 300 µL neutralization
buffer, invert
- Spin 10 minutes at full
- Transfer supernatant
to miniprep column, taking care to avoid disturbing the pellet
and avoid "scum" on the surface (if possible).
- spin in microfuge for
1 min.
- Remove liquid from collection
tube, add 0.5ml of wash buffer to column
- spin in microfuge for
1 min
- Remove liquid from collection
tube, add 0.25ml of wash buffer to column
- spin in microfuge for
1 min
- Remove liquid from collection
- spin in microfuge for
1 min
- discard collection tubes,
place columns in 1.7ml microfuge tubes (with caps) and 100µL
of water or Elution Buffer to each column (mark
each tube).
- spin in microfuge for
1 min. (use one of the larger centrifuges, which can spin the tubes
with their caps open).
- Discard column, cap tube.
- Check by gel electrophoresis
- store in bag