independent study
People: Present & Past Spaces available

Active collaborators | Past collaborators | Mentors | Lab Alumni | pictures



Chaperones & phenotypes

tudent understanding molecular processes
Coordinating biology and chemistry approachs to core concepts

Melanie Cooper- Michigan State University
Chemistry, Life, the Universe & Everything (CLUE) and Organic CLUE (O!CLUE), BeSocratic & biofunamentals & beyond single cells

Lab Alumni:

Grad. Students, Post-docs, Visitors
& Techs

Rich Guilfolye*** Anne Rosenthal
Dave Shook  Chris Dufton
Anne Rosenthal Dan Chu 
Mike Crepeau John Merriam
Laurie Maynell Kathy Swords
Craig Tuerk Amy Hopkins
Prof. Alla Karnovsky*** Julie Gelderloos***
Alberto Domingo*** Prof. Joe Dent
Prof. Jeff Bachant Robert Cary
Lara Franco Allison St. Amand
Tim Carl Jan Teisinger
B.K. Mohanty Yanni Vourgourakis
Eric Jensen Evan Trudeau
Tamara Basta Chi Zhang
Jianxia Yang Prof. Doris Wedlich
Huang Zhang Hilarie Nickerson
Jeremy Rentsch Jianli Shi
Bilge Birsoy  
HONORS students
*** PostDocs
  SMART students
+ summer fellows
+ current students $ recent hs students
Undergraduates and others!
Pete Tucker Shannon Call
John Blanc Christing Kwon
Michael Kjone Bin Cao
Natalie Jones Sonal Shet
Mark Alsberg Jacob Cooper dot
Rebecca Leaf $ Antonia Lin $
Darlene Wan $ Sruthi Raguveer $
John Rosol $ Maxx Harvey $
Corey Brown Niccolo Deliantoni
Dr. Maggie Trout Logan Collins
Dorothy Plummer Dani Przychodizin
Prof. Shawn Christensen  Andy Polson, Ph.D.
Jeff Chang Frank Sprenger, Ph.D.
Jon Stacks Dr. Joe Ladika
Kristin Garza Jurgen Schymeinsky
Dan Barry Dr. Mike Mazzini
Lori Alger Amy Huffer
Julie Carrlson Jayme Sander
Peter Kwon Andy Bull
Adam Rubenstein  Dr. Kira Wendorf
Joshua McIlwee Jarmei Chen
Prof. Traci (Karmazin) Lyons Dr. Leilah Backhus
Andy Fortna Chuck Parsons
Dr. Agne Taraseviciute+ Dr. Sharon Rose 
Andy Ryscavage  Pheobe Ezidinma+
Ashley Jones  Fahim Ghafoori
Juman Dusset James Shawn important
Lanier Lopez important Damon Thomas important
Brenda Price important Rachel DeMent important
Jennifer Aryan important Sarah Nyante important
Kadallah Brandy important Sarah Kempe-Mehl
Dr. Kristine West Aaron Bailey
Dr. Imo Akpan important Neha Valeja
Dr. Charlie Reynolds Sabrina Wolborn important
Shana Fawcett Christina Carnell
Alex Brown Karen Garcia important
Jonathon Keeny Levelle Harris important
Aubrey Hall important Kris Brannan
Prof. Rachel Gheen Charles Wageman
Thomas Gardner Issac Avram
Rebecca Green Robbyn Tanner important
Sam Duggin Parick Doyle
Eric Chung Jospeh Potter
Jeffery Ahn Courtney Severson
Nikita Patel Caleb Trujillo
Derek Biggs   $

Julia Mobullet

Katie Priest  

Sravya Karumanchi

Tiera Mack 

Laura Thomas

Dr. Owen Brewer Alison Jarvis
Sabrina Walshhonors dot Ethan Aubert
  your name here ...





Bob Evans - UC Denver
Kristin Artinger - UC Denver
Leslie Leinwand
- MCDB, UC Boulder
K. Gopal Murti - St. Jude's, Memphis
Karla Kirkegaard - Stanford University
James Hanken - Harvard University
Aaron Zorn - Cincinnati Children's Hospital
Harold Varmus - Sloan-Kettering
Bart Williams - Van Ardel Institute | Grant Barish
Janet Heasman & Chris Wylie - Cincinnati Children's Hospital
Gerhart Schlosser - NUI Galway
Sergie Sokol - Mt. Sinai, NYC
Dan Medioros - EBIO, UC Boulder
Harald Junge - MCDB, UC Boulder
Ken Cho - UC

Ernst Hafen, Katja Kohler & Annie Champagne - ETH, Switzerland
Tristan McClure-Begley & Will Old - MCDB, UC Boulder



Wally Snipes and Alec Keith at Penn State
Bob Stroud at Cal Tech & UCSF
Martin Raff at UC London
Lee Rubin at Rockefeller - now at Harvard