Chapter 6.5: Molecules that are both polar and non-polar

Up to now we have considered solutions that are made up of molecules that are either polar or non-polar. These are molecules whose properties are (relatively) easy to predict. Many substances, however, have more complex structures that incorporate polar, ionic, and non-polar groups. For example many biomolecules cannot be classified as exclusively polar or non-polar, but rather have regions of differing polarity, they are termed “amphipathic.”  While the structures of proteins, RNA, DNA, and other biomolecules are complex, we can use the same principles that we have discussed to understand how these molecules interact not only with each other, but also within themselves.


6.1 Solutions
6.2 Solubility
6.3 H-bonds
6.4 Free Energy
6.5 Polarity
6.6 Temperature

Biomolecules are very large compared to the molecules considered in most chemistry courses, and often one part of the molecule will interact with another part of the same molecule. The “intramolecular” interactions of biological macromolecules, together with their interactions with water, are key factors in predicting their shapes.
Let us begin with a relatively simple (for a biomolecule) structure. In the previous section we looked at the solubility of oils in water. If you treat an oil or fat - (also known as a triglyceride, in this representation, R and R’ indicate hydrocarbon chains, which have the generic structure CH3CnH2n) with sodium hydroxide (NaOH), the resulting chemical reaction leads to the formation of what is known as a fatty acid (in this example, oxygen atoms are maroon).
A typical fatty acid has a long non-polar hydrocarbon chain and one end that contains a polar, and often ionic group. The polar “head” of the molecule interacts with water with little or no increase in entropy (unlike a hydrocarbon). On
the other hand, the non-polar region of the molecule will, if placed in water, lead to a decrease in entropy as water molecules are organized in a type of cage around it – an unfavorable outcome in terms of ΔS (and so ΔG). So, which end of the molecule “wins”? Do such molecules dissolve in water or not? The answer is: both! Such amphipathic molecules become arranged in such a manner that their polar groups are in contact with the water, and their non-polar regions are not (you might even try and see if you can draw out such an arrangement, remembering to include the water molecules in your drawing.

There are, in fact, several ways to produce such an arrangement, depending in part on the amount of water in the system. A standard micelle, which is a spherical structure with the polar heads on the outside and the non-polar tails on the inside, is the simplest structure that can accommodate both hydrophilic and hydrophobic groups in the same molecule.

If water is limiting, it is possible to get an “inverted micelle” arrangement, in which polar head groups (and water) are inside, and the non-polar tails point outward. Depending on the structure of the head group and the tail (and there are molecules of this type (lipids) that have multiple hydrocarbon tails and even carbon ring structures - the sterols), there are other highly organized structures that can form spontaneously.

These include the bilayer membranes that form cellular and organellar boundaries in biological systems. It should be noted that these ordered structures are possible only because dispersing the lipid molecules in water would result in an substantial decrease in the disorder of the system. In fact, many ordered structures associated with living systems ,such as the structure of DNA and proteins, are the result of “entropy-driven” processes (yet another counter-intuitive idea) – this is one (of many) reasons that biological systems do not violate the laws of thermodynamics and why it is scientifically plausible that life arose due to natural processes!

Solutions, Colloids & Emulsions

So, are micelles dissolved in water? Well, micelles are not molecules, but rather supramolecular assemblies - composed of many distinct molecules. While a glucose solution consists of isolated glucose molecules, micelles in solution are different, at least terms of the size of the solute. Because of these differences, we give such “solutions of macromolecular solutes” a distinct name, they are known as colloids. These particles can be aggregates of molecules (like micelles), atoms (nanoparticles), or larger “macromolecules” (proteins, nucleic acids), among others. When these particles are on the order of the wavelength of visible light, they scatter the light; smaller objects do not. That is why a salt or sugar solution is translucent, while a colloidal dispersion of micelles or cells (for example) is cloudy. This is the reason that soap solutions are typically cloudy - they contain particles large enough to scatter the light. When the particles in a solution can be considered “solid”, the end result is known as a colloid. Because of their small size and thermal movements such small solid particles can remain suspended - the colloid is stable. As the particles get larger, the colloid will become unstable; the influence of gravity will overcome the effects of thermal motion, and the particles will settle out. Before they settle out, such unstable systems are known as suspensions.


On the other hand when the suspended particles can themselves be considered liquid, the system is known as an emulsion. There are conditions in which oil and water can be mixed, for example in salad dressing. If we were to look carefully (with a microscope), we would see drops of oil suspended in water. Emulsions are often unstable, and with time the two liquid “phases” can separate - this is one reason that you have to shake up salad dressing. We see situations of both colloids and emulsions in the world around us. Milk, for example, is an emulsion of fat globules and a colloid of protein (casein) micelles.


6.1 Solutions
6.2 Solubility
6.3 H-bonds
6.4 Free Energy
6.5 Polarity
6.6 Temperature

Question to answer:

  • If you had a compound that your suspected might form micelles:
  • What structural features would you look for?
  • How might you design an experiment to determine whether the compound would form micelles in water?
  • What would be the experimental evidence?
  • Why do you think some amphipathic molecules form spherical clusters (micelles or liposomes) while others form sheets - bilayers? (hint consider the shape of the individual molecule itself)
  • Amphipathic molecules are often called “surfactants” - for example compounds used to disperse oil spills are surfactants. How do you think they work?

Questions to ponder:

  • If membranes formation and protein folding are entropy driven processes, does that make the origins of life seem more or less “natural” to you?
