staining two hearts

In memorium Richard Parker 1950ish -1986 | Adam Rubenstein 1970-2019

the original (but now flash-less) web versions of biofundamentals+ virtuallaboratories + breathe icon

–––> biofundamentals- & CLUE-based Notebook LM generated podcasts

rita socratic tutorRita, an AI tutor

"First do no harm": the pernicious effects of medical school course requirements on the design of biology curricula
An introduction to Rita (a socratic tutor) & Dewey (a learning analyst & consultant)
– CU Showcase Oct. 2024
- talk with Rita at the GPT store!

Partnering with Bots for better learning
- Colorado Arts & Sciences magazine - 25 November 2024.

Lev, an AI analyst

A letter to editor about genAI in education (in the style of Kurt Vonnegut)
genAI-generated podcasts: Mice in a labyrinth & human learning (love this one!)

Mendel, Weldon & how genetics is taught
work in progress - on-line molecular biology
examples of MCDB SkillsCenter podcasts
introduction to PCR (from Wikipedia) + introduction to Patents (multiple sources)
+ introduction to the Allen Brain Atlas








courses: Fall '24 Teaching & Learning Biology + SkillsCenter + Deve Bio -23 - blog posts – slides available

projects in progress
  vimentin KO

bioliteracy blog   archived: madscientist questions + answers 

mice in maze



educational materials

core biology: biofundamentals (pdf)described
the original web-based version of biofundamentals (broken flash) + virtuallaboratorie (with broken flash)

Chemistry, Life, the Universe & Everytying described
organic chemistry
OCLUE (OER) → described
videos from T&LB@CU & ETH : Blockbuster@ASBMB Today
GMO debate: Why beer goes bad
––– conception & contraception podcast

learning evolution

recent publications & such

talks & such

the inferno
the meek
oh well pharaoh
don't be mean
updated: 25 Dec 2025

Breaking the silence of an ancient pond a frog jumped into water, a deep resonance - Bashõ
Science is a wonderful thing if one does not have to earn one's living at it. – Albert Einstein

molecular buff
education buff