Chapter 8.5: Back to Equilibrium

Now that we have a good idea about the factors that affect how fast a reaction goes, let us return to a discussion of what factors affect how far a reaction goes. As previously discussed, a reaction reaches equilibrium when the rate of the forward reaction equals the rate of the reverse reaction, meaning that the concentrations of reactants and products do not change over time. The equilibrium state of a particular reaction is characterized by what is known as the equilibrium constant, Keq. In the hypothetical reaction we have been considering (A2 + B2 ↔ 2AB), the equilibrium constant is shown →:



8.1 How for, how fast?
8.2 Reaction rate
8.3 Activation energy
8.4 Catalysis
8.5 Equilibrium
8.6 Mechanisms

The equilibrium constant for any reaction, at a particularly temperature, is a constant. This means that you can add reactants or products, and as we will discuss in detail in later sections, the constant does not change - it is a constant (that said, you cannot change the temperature, that will change Keq. The implications of this are quite profound. For example, if you add or take away products or reactants from a reaction, it will shift so that it will reach equilibrium again - with the same value of Keq, and since we know (or can look up, or calculate) what the equilibrium constant is, we will be able to figure out exactly what the system will do to re-assert the equilibrium condition.

We can generalize this relationship for a general reaction, nA + mB ↔ oC + pD

Note that each concentration is raised to the power of its coefficient in the balanced reaction. By convention the constant is always written with the products on the numerator, and the reactants in the denominator, meaning that large values of Keq indicate that at equilibrium, the reaction mixture has more products than reactants. Conversely a small value of Keq (typically <1 - depending on the form of Keq) indicates that there are less products than reactants in the mixture at equilibrium. The expression for Keq depends on which way round you write the reaction - and you can prove to yourself that Keq(forward) = 1/Keq(reverse). Other things to note are that if a pure liquid or solid participates in the reaction, it is omitted from the equilibrium expression for Keq. This makes sense since the concentration of a pure solid or liquid is constant (at constant temperature).

If we return to the reaction of acetic acid and water, AcOH + H2O ↔ H3O+ + AcO–
This reaction’s equilibrium constant can be written (by convention) as Keq = [H3O+][AcO–]/[AcOH]
The H2O term in the reactants can be omitted - even though it participates in the reaction, because it is a pure liquid and its concentration does not change appreciably during the reaction. (Can you calculate the concentration of pure water?) Since we already know that a 0.10 M solution of AcOH has a pH of 2.9, we can use this experimentally determined data to calculate the equilibrium constant for a solution of acetic acid. A helpful way to think about this is to set up a table in which you can put the concentrations of all species before and after equilibrium. You can also include the change in concentration as the system moves to the equilibrium state: AcOH + H2O ↔ H3O+ + AcO–

Using the data from this type of analysis we can calculate the equilibrium constant
Keq = (1.3 x 10–3)2/0.1, which indicates that Keq for this reactions equals 1.8 x 10–5. Note that we do not use a large number of significant figures to calculate Keq since we are making approximations that would make a more “accurate” calculation less useful (and not actually justified). In addition note that Keq itself does not have units associated with it.

Question to answer:

  • What does it mean when we say a reaction has reached equilibrium?
  • What does the magnitude of the equilibrium constant imply about the extent to which acetic acid ionizes in water?
  • Write out the equilibrium constant for the reaction H3O+ + AcO– ? AcOH + H2O.
  • What would be the value of this equilibrium constant? Does it make sense in terms of what you know about acid-base reactions?
  • If the pH of a 0.15 M solution of an acid is 3.6, what is the equilibrium constant Ka for this acid? Is the acid a weak or strong acid? How do you know?
  • Calcium carbonate (CaCO3) is not (very) soluble in water, write out the equation for the dissolution of CaCO3. What would be the expression for its Keq? (hint: recall pure solids and liquids do not appear in the expression). If Keq for this process is 6.0×10–9, what is the solubility of CaCO3 in moles/L

Questions to ponder:

  • The acid dissociation constant for ethanol (CH3CH2OH) is ~10–15. Why do you think acetic acid is 10 billion times more acidic than ethanol? (hint: draw out the structures and think about the stability of the conjugate base)

Free Energies and equilibrium constants

This is all well and good, and assuming that we can measure the concentrations of reactants and products at equilibrium, we can calculate the equilibrium constant, Keq, but is this simply an empirical measurement? It was certainly discovered empirically, and has been shown to be applicable to huge numbers of reactant systems, yet somehow it does not seem very satisfying to say “this is the way things are” without an explanation for why the equilibrium constant is constant. How does it relate to molecular structure? More simply what determines the equilibrium constant? What is the driving force that moves a reaction towards equilibrium, and then inhibits any further progress towards products?

You will remember (we hope) that it is the Second Law of Thermodynamics that tells us about the probability that a process will occur. The criterion for a reaction to “go” is that the total entropy of the universe must increase. We also learned that we can substitute the Gibb’s Free energy change (ΔG) for the entropy change of the universe, which is much easier to relate to (and calculate) since it only pertains to the system. So it should not be surprising that we can relate the position of equilibrium in a reaction system to the free energy for that reaction. We have already seen that a large negative free energy change (from reactants to products) indicates that a process will occur (or will be spontaneous - in thermodynamic terms) and a large positive equilibrium constant means that the reaction mixture will contain mostly products at equilibrium. It is not surprising then to find that the drive towards equilibrium and the free energy change are related.

One way to think about this is that the position of equilibrium is where the maximum entropy change of the universe is found - that is, on either side of this position the entropy change is negative and therefore unlikely. If we plot the extent of the reaction versus the dispersion of energy (in the universe) or the free energy, we can see better what is meant by this. At equilibrium the system sits in at the bottom of an energy well. Any shift in the position of the reaction, forwards or backwards, will result in a decrease in entropy, or an increase in free energy. Remember, that even though at the macroscopic level the system seems to be at rest, at the molecular level the reactions is still occurring. At equilibrium the difference in free energy, ΔG, between the reactants and products is zero.

It bears repeating - the criterion for chemical equilibrium is that ΔG = 0 for the reactants products. This is also true for any phase change, for example at 100 ºC and 1 atmosphere pressure, the difference in free energy for H2O(g) and H2O(l) is zero. Since any system will naturally tend to this equilibrium condition, a system away from equilibrium can be harnessed to do work, that is to drive some other non-favorable reaction or system away from equilibrium, while a system at equilibrium cannot do work - as we will see in greater detail shortly.

The relationship between the standard free energy change and the equilibrium constant is given by the equation ΔGº = – RT ln K, (which can be converted into the equation ln Keq = – ΔGº/RT o rKeq = e –ΔGº/RT). As we saw earlier the superscript º refers to thermodynamic quantities that are measured and calculated at standard states. In this case ΔGº refers to 1 atmosphere pressure and 298K, and critical for our present discussion, 1 M concentrations for both reactants and products. That is: ΔGº tells you about the free energy change if all the substances in the reacting system were mixed with initial concentrations of 1.0 M. It allows us to calculate equilibrium constants from tables of free energy values (see chapter 9.) This is a rather artificial situation and you might be tempted to think that ΔGº is not very useful in the real world where initial concentrations of both reactants and products are rarely 1.0 M. But no, ΔGº does tell us something useful, namely which way a reaction will proceed under these starting conditions. Under a specific set of condition we can use ΔGº to calculate the actual free energy change ΔG; where ΔG = ΔGº +RT ln Q. In this equation Q (the reaction quotient) is of the same form as Keq (that is [products]/[reactants], except that the concentrations are not = 1M, but rather are the actual concentrations at the starting point. The sign and magnitude of ΔG then will tell us which way the reaction will proceed and how far in that direction it will go.
The differences between Q and Keq and ΔG and ΔGº, are important to keep in mind. It is easy to get mixed up and apply them wrongly. Q and ΔG relate to non-equilibrium systems, andKeq and ΔGº tell us about the equilibrium state itself. At equilibrium, Q = Keq, and ΔG = 0, so that: the equation
ΔG = ΔGº +RT ln Q becomes, ΔGº = – RT ln Keq.

Note that Keq and ΔGº are constant for a given reaction at a given temperature, but Q and ΔG are not - their values vary according to the reaction conditions. In fact, using Q and/or ΔG we can predict how a system will behave under the specific conditions we care about,as it moves towards the highest entropy state (or the lowest value of ΔG).

Question to answer:

  • As a system moves towards equilibrium, what is the sign of ΔG? as it moves away from equilibrium what is the sign of ΔG?
  • Explain in your own words the difference between ΔGº and ΔG.
  • Imagine you have a reaction system A ? B for which Keq = 1. Draw a graph of how ΔG changes as the relative amounts of [A] and [B] change.
  • What would this graph look like if Keq = 0.1? or Keq = 2?
  • If ΔGº is large and positive, what does this mean for the value of Keq? and vice versa?

Questions to ponder:

  • If ΔG for a system is = 0, what does that mean?

    Questions for later :
    • Why is Keq temperature dependent?
    • Explain mechanistically why random deviations from equilibrium are reversed.
    • If the value of Q is > Keq what does that tell you about the system? and vice versa?

Equilibrium and non-equilibrium states

Let us look at a chemical system macroscopically. If that system begins to change once mixed up (that is the reaction occurs spontaneously), we can define the equilibrium state by the fact that there are no longer changes in the concentrations of reactants and products. We might actually think (not unreasonably) that the system is static, and assume (perhaps) that the molecules in the system are stable and no longer changing. But a little reflection might lead us to question this assumption. What has changed at the molecular level? In the case of our acetic acid example, there are still molecules of acetic acid, (AcOH) acetate (AcO-) and hydronium ion (H3O+) colliding with solvent water molecules and each other. Some of these reactions will have enough energy to be productive; molecules of acetate will transfer protons to water molecules and the reverse reaction will also occur. What has changed is that the rate of acetate (AcO-) and hydronium ion (H3O+) formation will be equal and opposite to the rate of acetic acid deprotonation (transfer of the proton to water). While there will be no net change at the macroscopic level, at the molecular level, things are happening. Bonds are breaking and forming - this is the dynamic equilibrium we discussed earlier.
Now let us think about what happens if we disturb this equilibrium.

At equilibrium the acetic acid-water system contains acetic acid (AcOH), protons (H3O+), and acetate ion (AcO–). We know that a 0.10 M solution of acetic acid has concentrations of [H3O+] = [AcO–] = 1.3 x 10–3 M. So what happens if we add enough acetate to make the acetate concentration 0.10 M? One way is to think about the new situation is to consider the probability of the forward and the back reactions. Since we added more product (acetate) the rate of the back reaction must increase (since there are more acetate ions around to collide with.) In this new state ΔG will be negative. But just as we saw previously, as soon as more acetic acid is formed, the probability of the forward reaction increases and a new equilibrium position will be established, where the rate of the forward reactions will equal the rate of the back reaction.

This probability argument gives us an idea of which way the equilibrium will shift when disturbed, but it doesn’t tell us exactly where it will re-stabilize. For that we have to look at Q and Keq. If we take the new initial reaction conditions (0.10 M AcOH, 0.10 M AcO–, and 1.3 x 10–3 M H3O+) and analyze them to determine the concentrations of all participating species, we can calculate Q, and compare it to Keq.
Q = [H3O+][AcO–]/[AcOH] = (1.3 x 10–3)(0.1)/(0.1)

This generates a value for Q as 1.3 x 10–3. Now if we compare Q and Keq we see that Q is larger than Keq (1.3 x 10–3 > 1.8 x 10–5). To re-establish equilibrium the system will have to shift so that Q becomes smaller, that is equal to Keq (at which point ΔG = 0.) To do this the numerator [products] must decrease, while the denominator [reactants] increases. That is: the reaction must go backwards, to re-establish an equilibrium state. Just as we argued earlier from probability considerations.

If we re-calculate the [H3O+] under the new equilibrium conditions (that is 0.10 M AcOH and 0.10 M acetate) we find that it has decreased considerably, from its initial value of 1.3 x 10–3 to the new value of 1.8 x 10–5 M. Using this to calculate the pH we discover that addition of sodium acetate causes the pH to rise from 2.9 to 4.5 - which may not seem like much, but remember that each pH unit is a factor of 10 so this rise in pH actually indicates a drop in hydronium ion concentration of a bit less than 100 fold. In order to regain the most stable situation the system shifted to the left, reducing the amounts of product.
AcOH + H2O+ ↔ H3O+ + AcO–

There are a number of exercises that will allow you to become conversant with the calculations involved in defining the effects of perturbations on the equilibrium state of a system (many chemistry books are full of such “buffer” and pH problems. What is really important, however, is that upon perturbation a system will return to equilibrium. That is where the system is most stable. And once the system is at equilibrium further perturbations (changes in conditions, concentrations and temperature) will lead to a new equilibrium state.

Le Chatelier’s Principle

You may recognize the preceding discussion as a rather well known idea articulated by Henry Louis Le Chatelier: “If a chemical system at equilibrium experiences a change in concentration, temperature, volume, or partial pressure, then the equilibrium shifts to counteract the imposed change and a new equilibrium is established.” Le Chatelier’s principle is one of the best known and most widely applicable heuristics (that is a rule of thumb that helps you predict an outcome) in chemistry and science for that matter. However, it is important to understand why this principle works. Le Chatelier’s Principle is yet another reminder that the Second Law of Thermodynamics is never broken, it is always in force.

Le Chatelier’s principle specifically mentions the kinds of changes that can affect the position of equilibrium, yet we have only discussed changes in concentrations. What about temperature volume, and partial pressure? How do they affect equilibrium? We have also not specifically addressed equilibrium reactions that take place in the gas phase (for example, many atmospheric reactions - including the formation and depletion of ozone, are important reactions). However, there is nothing really special or different about them. The equilibrium constant for gas phase reactions can be calculated either using partial pressures of each gas, or concentrations (mol/L), although the value of Keq differs depending on which units you choose, and you can’t mix and match - that is, you need to use either all pressures or all concentrations. Therefore the effect of increasing the volume is the same as decreasing the concentration, and increasing the pressure has the same effect as increasing the concentration. (Note however that adding a gas that is not a participant in the reaction has no effect even though the total pressure will be increased). To understand the effects of temperature on the position of equilibrium we have to go back to our discussion of reaction rates.

Temperature, Equilibrium and Reaction Rates.

The effect of changing the temperature on the position of equilibrium is a little more complex. At first guess, you might predict that if you increase the temperature, it will affect the rates of both the forward and back reactions equally. However if we look more closely - this is not true. Cast your mind back to the discussions of temperature and thermal energy. If the temperature of the system is raised, it means that thermal energy has been added to the system from the surroundings. We can treat the addition of energy to the system as a stress, and according to Le Chatelier’s Principle, if something in the system is changed (concentration, volume, pressure, temperature) then the system will shift to a new equilibrium state. In order to predict what affect adding energy will have on the system, we need to have more information about the energy changes associated with that system. As we saw earlier, the enthalpy change (ΔH), tells us about the thermal energy change for systems under constant pressure (that is most of the systems we are interested in). We can measure or calculate enthalpy changes for many reactions, and therefore can use them to predict the effect of increasing the temperature (or adding thermal energy). For example: let us take the reaction of nitrogen and hydrogen to form ammonia. This reaction is N2 (g) + 3 H2(g) ↔ 2 NH3 (g) (ΔH = -92.4 kJ/mol). The reaction is exothermic - for each mole of ammonia (17g) 92.4 kJ of thermal energy is produced and transferred to the surroundings (as indicated by the negative sign of the enthalpy change.) Now if we heat this reaction up, what will happen to the position of equilibrium?

Let us rewrite the equation to show that thermal energy is produced:
N2 (g) + 3 H2 (g) ↔ 2 NH3 (g) + 184.8 kJ (2 x 92.4 kJ since two moles of ammonia are produced.) If thermal energy is a “product” of the reaction, then applying Le Chatelier’s principle if we add more product the reaction should shift towards the reactants. Sure enough, if we heat this reaction up, the position of equilibrium shifts towards ammonia and hydrogen - it starts to go backwards! This is actually quite a problem, since this reaction requires a fairly high temperature to make it “go” in the first place. It makes the production of ammonia difficult if, when you heat up the reaction, it goes in the opposite direction to the one you want.

It is important to remember that Le Chatelier’s principle is only a heuristic, it doesn’t tell us why the system shifts to the left. To answer this question let us consider the energy profile for an exothermic reaction.

We can see that the activation energy (E’a) for the reverse reaction is larger than that for the forward reaction (Ea). Another way to say this is that more energy is required for molecules to react for the reverse reaction to occur than for the forward reaction. Therefore it makes sense that if you supply more energy the reverse reaction will be affected more than the forward reaction.

Equilibrium and Steady State

Now here is an interesting point, imagine a situation in which reactants and products are continually being added to and removed from a system. Such systems are described as “open”, meaning that matter (and energy) are entering or leaving them; open systems are never at equilibrium. Assuming that the changes to the system occur on a time scale that is faster than the rate the system returns to equilibrium following such a perturbation, the system could well be stable and such stable, non-equilibrium systems are referred as “steady state” systems (living organisms are steady state systems). An analogy might be a cup with a hole in it being filled from a tap, if the rate at which water flows into the cup is equal to the rate at which it flows out, the level of water in the cup would stay the same, but the water in it would constantly be added to and leaving the system (the cup). Biological systems are open systems, with energy and matter entering and leaving, while most equilibrium systems studied in chemistry (at least those discussed in introductory texts) are closed.

In addition, biological systems are characterized by the fact that there are multiple reactions occurring simultaneously, and that a number of these reactions share components.That is, the products of one reaction are the reactants in other reactions. This end result is a system of “coupled reactions.” Such systems can produce quite complex behaviors (chapter 9). An interesting coupled reaction system (aside from life itself) is the Belousov–Zhabotinsky (BZ) reaction,

in which cesium catalyzes the oxidation and bromination of malonic acid (CH2(COOH)2) by BrO3– in H2SO4. If the system is not being actively stirred, this reaction can produces quite complex and dynamic spatial patterns. While the typical BZ reaction involves a closed system, it will eventually reach a boring (macroscopically static) equilibrium state. The open nature of biological systems means that complex behaviors do not have to stop, they continue over very long periods of time. Together the Cell Theory of Life (that is, that all cells are derived from preexisting cells and that all organisms are built from cells or their products) and the fossil record indicate that the non-equilibrium system of coupled chemical reactions we call life has persisted, uninterrupted, for at least ~3.5 billion years (now that is a hard to accept idea, for something as fragile as life).

The steady state systems found in organisms display two extremely important properties, they are adaptive and homeostatic. That means that they can change in response to various stimuli (adaptation) and they tend to return their original state following a perturbation (homeostasis). Both are distinct from Le Chatelier’s principle in that they are not passive, but active - that is energy requiring processes. While adaptation and homeostasis may seem contradictory, in fact they work together to keep living things alive and enable them to adapt to changing conditions. One of the reasons that organisms, even the simplest, are so complex is because of the interconnected and evolved nature of their adaptive and homeostatic systems.  

8.1 How for, how fast?
8.2 Reaction rate
8.3 Activation energy
8.4 Catalysis
8.5 Equilibrium
8.6 Mechanisms

Question to answer:

  • What factors determine the equilibrium concentrations for a reaction?
  • For the reaction N2 (g) + 3 H2 (g) ↔ 2 NH3 (g) (ΔH = -92.4 kJ/mol, predict the effect on the position of equilibrium, and the concentrations of all the species in the system, if you:  add nitrogen
    remove hydrogen
    add ammonia
    heat the reaction up
    cool it down
  • Draw a reaction energy diagram for a reaction in which the reverse reaction is much faster than the forward reaction (and vice versa)
